Goadby Marwood Wills and Inventories (L to Z)
These documents were transcribed on behalf of Hickling Local History Group and are reproduced here with their kind permission.
Frances Limehouse of Goadby Marwood 1820
Administration Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1820/112
Bond, bound Andrew Limehouse labourer of Goadby Marwood, Richard Dent labourer of Goadby Marwood and Noel Lewin groom of Melton Mowbray £200 5 December 1820,condition bound Andrew Limehouse son and administrator of Frances Limehouse widow late of Goadby Marwood intestate to produce inventory and administer estate
Andrew Limehouse
Richard Dent
The Mark of Noel Lewin
Let Administration of all and singular the Goods chattels and credits of the within named Frances Limehouse deceased be granted and committed under Seal to the within bounden Andrew Limehouse the natural and lawful Son and one of the next of kin of the said deceased who died on the [blank] day of October last
He having been duly sworn as well to the faithful Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased as that the same as they were at her death without deducting any debts owing by the deceased therefrom did not amount in value to the Sum of One hundred Pounds
Before me
William Greenwood
Surrogate To the Commissary
Mary Lock of Goadby Marwood 1906 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives DE 462/49 page 226
This is the last Will of me Mary Lock of Goadby Marwood in the County of Leicester Widow
I appoint my eldest son Thomas William Lock to be executor and my daughter Elizabeth Ann Lock to be executrix of this my will
I give all my furniture chattels and things which I removed and brought from Leicester unto the said Elizabeth Ann Lock absolutely and I also give and bequeath to her the sum of Ninety Pounds
I give the residue of my estate not hereinbefore disposed of unto my four sons the said Thomas William Lock, William Lock, George Lock and Edmund Lock to them in equal shares
I revoke all former wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will
As witness my hand this eighth day of July One thousand eight hundred and ninety eight
Mary Lock
Signed by the above named Mary Lock as her Last Will in the presence of us both being present at the same time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
Richard Ash, Goadby Marwood Grazier
Robert Mackley, Goadby Marwood Farmer
On the eleventh day of May 1906 Probate of this Will was granted at Leicester to Thomas William Lock the Eldest Son and Elizabeth Ann Lock Spinster the Daughter the Executors
DE 1169/1/21 page 164
Mary Lock widow died 15 March 1906 at Goadby Marwood, executors of her will her eldest son Thomas William Lock carpenter of Waltham on the Wolds and her daughter Elizabeth Ann Lock spinster of Goadby Marwood, will proved 11 May 1906. Gross value of Estate and net value of Personal Estate £165.

At the time of her death, Mary Lock lived at the bottom of Goadby Hill at the house known as Long Acre.
The photo above was taken in the 1930s.
Robert Lowe of Goadby Marwood 1781
Administration Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1781
Bond, bound Jane Loe widow of Goadby Marwood and Samuel Lowe carpenter and joiner of Goadby Marwood £30 3 May 1781, condition bound Jane Loe relict and administratrix of Robert Loe carpenter and joiner late of Goadby Marwood intestate to produce inventory and administer estate
The marke of Jane Loe
Samuel Looe
On the third day of May 1781 the within bound Jane Loe Widow was sworn Administratrix of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the within mentioned Robert Loe her late husband deceased, and at the same time made oath that all the deceased’s Goods Chattels and Credits at the time of his death did not amount in value to the sum of twenty pounds
Before me Tho. Ford Surrogate
Edward Manners of Goadby Marwood 1811 will
National Archives PROB 11/1524/202
This is the last Will and Testament of me Edward Manners of Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood in the County of Leicester Esquire of which I have caused two parts to be … both of the same tenor and in the same words & form
First I will that all my just debts and funeral expences and the charges of proving this my will shall be paid and discharged by my Executrix hereinafter named
I give and bequeath unto Ann the wife of Mr Hanson of Brompton in the County of Middlesex heretofore Ann Lorrington Spinster daughter of Edward Lorrington of Windsor in the County of Berks Staymaker for and during the term of her natural life One Annuity or yearly Sum of two hundred Pounds free & clear of all taxes and other deductions to be issuing and payable out of all my messuages farms lands tenements & hereditaments in Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood aforesaid & in Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars in the said County of Leicester and out of all my messuages farms lands tenements & hereditaments in the County of York and to be paid and payable by two equal half yearly payments the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the end of Six calendar months next after my decease
I also give & bequeath unto Mrs Spike now the wife of Robert Spike of Ranelagh Street Pimlico in the County of Middlesex Gentleman one Annuity or yearly Sum of One hundred pounds free and clear of all taxes & other deductions to be issuing & payable out of all my said messuages farms lands tenements and hereditaments in Goadby otherwise Goadly Marwood and Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars aforesaid and within the said County of York to be paid and payable by two equal half yearly payments the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the End of six calendar months next after my decease
And my mind And Will is that the said several Annuities of two hundred Pounds and one hundred pounds so given by me to the said Ann the wife of the said Mr Hanson & Mrs Spike the wife of the said Robert Spike shall from time to time be paid to them to and for their sole and separate use and benefit notwithstanding their Coverture with their present or any after taken husband & that the same shall not be subject to the Controul debts or Engagements of their present or any after taken husband and that the receipts of the said Ann Hanson and Mrs Spike and each of them shall from time to time be good & sufficient discharges to the person or persons liable to pay the same
I also give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Manners late the Wife of the Revd John Thoroton Rector of Bottestford in the said County of Leicester for and during the term of her natural life one Annuity or yearly Sum of one hundred pounds free and clear of all taxes & other deductions to be issuing and payable out of all my said messuages lands tenements and hereditaments in Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood & Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars aforesaid and within the said County of York to be paid and payable by two half yearly payments the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the end of six calendar months next after my decease
I also give and bequeath unto my Servant [?] Richard Gash [?] for and during the term of his natural life one Annuity or yearly sum of forty pounds free and clear of all taxes and other deductions to be issuing and payable out of all my said messuages farms lands tenements and hereditaments in Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars aforesaid and within the said County of York to be paid and payable by two equal half yearly payments the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the and of six calendar months next after my decease
And I do hereby charge and make subject all my said messuages farms lands tenements & hereditaments in Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars aforesaid with the payment of the said several Annuities of two hundred pounds One hundred pounds and One hundred Pounds and forty pounds hereby given to the said Ann Hanson Mrs Spike Elizabeth Manners and Richard Gash as aforesaid and my will is that in case either or any of the said Annuities or any part or parts thereof shall be behind or unpaid by the space of twenty eight days next over or after either of the said days of Payment whereon the same are hereinbefore directed to be paid as aforesaid then and so often it shall & may be lawful to and for the said Ann Hanson Mrs Spike Elizabeth Manners and Richard Gash or any of them their or any of their Assigns to enter upon all or any part of the said Premises charged with the payment of the said several and respective Annuities as aforesaid and to distrain for the same or so much as shall be so in Arrear and all costs & charges occasioned by nonpayment thereof
I give and devise all that my Capital messuage or Mansion house with the Outbuildings Coach houses Stables Offices Gardens and Closes thereunto adjoining with their and every of their appurts situate standing lying and being in Knightsbridge in the parish of Saint Margaret Westminster as the same are now in my own possession And also all that my Capital messuage or Mansion house with the Coach houses barns Stables Granaries and other Offices Yards Gardens Orchard Fish Ponds and other Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate standing lying and being in Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood aforesaid as the same is now in my own possession & also all that my Manor of Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood aforesaid with the royalty rights privileges & appurtenances thereunto belonging and also the perpetual Advowson of the Rectory of Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood aforesaid And also all and every my messuages Cottages farms Closes of meadow or Pasture Ground lands tenements & hereditaments whatsoever with their and every of their Appurtenances situate lying & being within the Parish of Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood aforesaid within the fields liberties Precincts or territories thereof and also all that my manor of Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars in the said County of Leicester & all & every my messuages Cottages farms Closes lands tenements tithes & hereditaments with their and every of their Appurtenances situate lying and being in Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars aforesaid which I sometime since purchased of the late Sir Charles …dley Baronet deceased and also all my messuages lands tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being in Stonesby in the said County of Leicester and also all my manors messuages cottages farms lands tenements & hereditaments with their & every of their Appurts situate lying & being within the County of York which were given & devised to me in & by the said last Will & Testament of the late Most Noble John Duke of Rutland deceased & all other my Manors messuages lands tenements and hereditaments mines of coal lead or copper or shares of mines of Coal lead or copper whatsoever and wheresoever in the kingdom of Great Britain whereof or wherein I have any Estate of Inheritance in possession reversion remainder or expectancy unto Ann Stafford Spinster (Daughter of Edward Stafford late of Knipton in the said County of Leicester deceased) and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life without Impeachment of Waste subject nevertheless to the payment of the several Annuities hereinbefore charged upon my said Estates in Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood in Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars aforesd and in the said County of York
But in case the said Ann Stafford hereafter marry then & in such case only I give and bequeath unto all & every of my ten children Laura Manners Fursan Manners Arthur Manners Alithea Manners Mary Ann Manners Edward Manners Roger Manners Emma Manners Walter Manners and Otho Manners and to each and every of them an Annuity or yearly Sum of two hundred pounds apiece free and clear of all deductions whatsoever for and during the term of their several and respective natural lives for their support and maintenance to be issuing and payable out of all my manors messuages cottages farms lands tithes mines and hereditaments hereinbefore devised to the said Ann Stafford for life as aforesaid and to be paid and payable by two equal half yearly payments the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the end of six calendar months from the day of the marriage of the said Ann Stafford and I do hereby charge and make subject all my manors messuages cottages farms lands tithes mines & hereditaments with the payment of the said Annuities of two hundred pounds apiece hereby given to my said ten children as aforesaid with the like powers of Entry Seizure and distress in case of nonpayment as are hereinbefore given to the other Annuitants in this my Will
& from & immediately after the decease of the said Ann Stafford I give and devise all and every my said Capital messuages or mansion houses manors advowson messuages cottages farms lands tenements tithes mines of Coal Lead and Copper and shares of mines of Coal lead and Copper hereditaments and premises and real Estates whatsoever with their and every of their Appurtenances unto my said ten children Laura Manners Fursan Manners Arthur Manners Alithea Manners Mary Ann Manners Edward Manners Roger Manners Emma Manners Walter Manners and Otho Manners their heirs & assigns for ever to hold as tenants in common & not as joint tenants subject nevertheless to the payment of the several and respective Annuities hereby given to the said Ann Hanson Mrs Spike Elizabeth Manners & Richard Gash and also subject to the payment of the Sum of twelve thousand pounds hereinafter by me given & bequeathed unto Roosilia Thoroton and Harriott Thoroton the children of the said Revd John Thoroton
But if either or any of them the said Laura Manner Fursan Manners Arthur Manners Alithea Manners Mary Ann Manners Edward Manners Roger Manners Emma Manners Walter Manners & Otho Manners shall happen to die before he she or they shall attain the age of twenty one years and without issue then I do hereby give and devise the share or shares of him her or them so dying of and in the said Capital messuages or mansion houses manors advowson messuages cottages farms lands tenements tithes mines and hereditaments unto the Survivors or Survivor of them the said Laura Manners Fursan Manners Arthur Manners Alithea Manners Mary Ann Manners Edward Manners Roger Manners Emma Manners Walter Manners & Otho Manners their heirs and Assigns for ever if more than one to hold as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
& in case the said Laura Manners Fursan Manners Arthur Manners Alithea Manners Mary Ann Manners Edward Manners Roger Manners Emma Manners Walter Manners & Otho Manners shall all of them happen to die before they shall severally and respectively attain the Age of twenty one Years without issue then and in such Chase I do give and devise all and every my said Capital messuages or mansion houses manors advowson messuages cottages farms lands tenements tithes mines of Coal lead & Copper and shares of mines of Coal lead and Copper hereditaments and premises and real Estates whatsoever with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said Roosilia Thoroton & Harriot Thoroton the children of the said John Thoroton their heirs and Assigns for ever To hold as tenants in common and not as joint tenants subject nevertheless to the payment of the several and respective Annuities herein before by me given to the said Ann Hanson Mrs Spike Elizabeth Manners and Richard Gash but if either of them the said Roosilia Thoroton & Harriot Thoroton shall happen to die before she shall attain the Age of twenty one Years and without issue then I do hereby give and devise the share of her so dying of and in the said Capital messuages or mansion houses manors advowson messuages Cottages Farms lands tenements tithes mines and hereditaments unto the Survivor of them the said Roosilia Thoroton and Harriot Thoroton her heirs and Assigns for ever
And in case the said Roosilia Thoroton and Harriot Thoroton shall both of them happen to die before they shall several [sic] attain the Age of twenty one years and without issue then and in such case I do hereby give and devise all and every my said Capital messuages or mansion houses Manors Advowson messuages Cottages farms lands Tythes mines hereditaments and premises with their and every of their Appurtenances unto Thomas Chawton Esquire The Revd John Thoroton The Revd Peter Thoroton Edward Thoroton The Revd Charles Roose Thoroton Roosilia the wife of Admiral Sutton Mary the wife of The Right Revd Charles Lord Bishop of Norwich Catherine the wife of Francis Dawson Esquire Charlotte Thoroton and Isabella Thoroton then of the children of my Sister Roosilia Thoroton of Screveton in the County of Nottingham Widow their heirs & Assigns for ever To hold as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
I also give and bequeath unto the said Roosilia Thoroton and Harriot Thoroton Children of the said John Thoroton the Sum of twelve thousand pounds to be equally divided between them share and share alike And in case either of them the said Roosilia Thoroton and Harriot Thoroton shall happen to die before they shall attain the age of twenty one years and unmarried then my mind and will is that the share of her so dying shall go and be paid to the Survivor of them the said Roosilia Thoroton and Harriott Thoroton And I do hereby charge all my messuages farms lands tenements & hereditaments in Goadby otherwise Goadby Marwood Kirby Bellars otherwise Kirkby Bellars aforesaid and in the said County of York after the decease of the said Ann Stafford with the payment of the said Sum of twelve thousand pounds herein before by me given and bequeathed unto the said Roosilia Thoroton & Harriot Thoroton but in case the said Roosilia Thoroton & Harriot Thoroton shall both die before they shall severally attain the age of twenty one years & unmarried then my mind & Will is that the said Sum of twelve thousand pounds shall not be raised but the same shall sink into the Inheritance of the lands & hereditaments charged therewith for the benefit of such person or persons as shall hereafter be intitled thereto
I also give & bequeath all my Coaches and other Carriages Implements of husbandry horses harnesses bridles saddles Corn Grain & hay & all the live & dead Stock which shall be upon the farms & lands which shall be in my own occupation at the time of my decease unto the said Ann Stafford to & for her own use & benefit
I also give and bequeath unto all & every my Servants which shall be living with me at the time of my decease 2 year’s wages over and above what shall be due to them
And as to for & concerning all the rest and residue of my goods chattels ready money securities for money Arrears of rent Stock in any of the Public Companies or Funds & all my shares in the Erewash Canal in the County of Derby & in the Melton Canal in the County of Leicester Jewels Plate Pictures linen china household goods & furniture & all other my personal estate whatsoever & wheresoever not by me herein before otherwise disposed of I give & bequeath the same & every part thereof unto the said Ann Stafford for & during the term of her natural life & from & immediately after her decease I give and bequeath the same & every part & parcel thereof unto my children the said Laura Manners Furstan [sic] Manners Arthur Manners Alithea Manners Mary Ann Manners Edward Manners Roger Manners Emma Manners Walter Manners & Otho Manners to be equally divided between them share & share alike and to be paid to them as & when they shall severally attain the age of twenty one years but in case any of them shall happen to die before the age of twenty one Years and unmarried then and in such Case my mind and Will is that the share of him her or them so dying under the Age of twenty one Years and unmarried shall go & be paid to the Survivors or Survivor of them when and at such time as his her or their original share or shares shall become due and payable by virtue of this my Will
And I do hereby nominate and appoint the said Ann Stafford Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and also Guardians [sic] for such of my children as shall happen to be under the age of twenty one Years at the time of my decease
And I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I the said Edward Manners (the Testator) to two parts of this my last Will & Testament (both in the same Words tenor and form) contained in seven sheets of Paper to the six first sheets have set my hand and to the seventh and last my hand and seal this fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one
E Manners
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Edward Manners the Testator as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in his presence and in the presence of each other
Ja Garnar of Grantham
Jos Robert Clerk to Mr Garnar
Thos Brown of Goadby
Proved at London 15 July 1811 before the worshipful Dodson Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of Ann Stafford Spinster the sole Executrix to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer

Capt. Edward Manners was the illegitimate son of John Manners, Third Duke of Rutland. He grew up at Belvoir Castle and inherited considerable wealth and estates from his father, including Goadby Hall. Following the death of the duke in 1779, Edward, his life-long mistress, Ann Stafford, and their extensive family left Belvoir Castle and moved to Goadby.
Edward Manners of Goadby Marwood 1857 will
National Archives PROB 11/2244/353
This is the last Will and Testament of me Edward Manners of Goadby Marwood in the County of Leicester Clerk
I give and bequeath to Mary Johnson of Goadby Marwood aforesaid Spinster who is at present residing with me the legacy or sum of two thousand pounds to be paid to her free of legacy duty and all other deductions and abatements whatsoever
I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Ann Manners her heirs executors administrators and assigns all the rest residue and remainder of my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever And also all my real estate situate lying and being at or near Boltby in the Parish of Felixkirk in the County of York and all other real estate of which I may die seized possessed of or entitled to for her own absolute use and benefit and free from the debts control or engagements of any husband she may marry
And I hereby appoint my said daughter Ann Manners sole Executrix of this my Will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty fourth day of May One thousand eight hundred and fifty six
Edward Manners
Signed published and declared by the said Edward Manners as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
Bentley McLeod 56 Lincolns Inn Fields in the County of Middlesex Solicitor
William Ecob Goadby Marwood
Proved at London 26th Janry 1857 before the Judge by the Oath of Ann Manners Spinster the daughter the sole Executrix to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer

Rev. Edward Manners was the third son of Capt. Edward Manners and Ann Stafford and was born at Rutland House in Knightsbridge.
He was Rector of St Denys' Church from !825 until his death. He inherited Goadby Hall following the death of his mother in 1827, but in his later years he moved back to the smaller Rectory. He died at Kirby Bellars in 1856.
Roger Manners of Goadby Marwood 1849 will
National Archives PROB 11/2103/98
I Roger Manners of Goadby Marwood in the County of Leicester Esquire do make this my last will and testament
I hereby revoke all former wills by me at any time heretofore made
I give and devise all my real estates situate lying and being in the Townships of Boltby and Thirlby in the Parish of Felixkirk in the County of York and also all my real estates called Bumper and Easterside situate lying and being in the Parish of Hawnby in the said County of York unto my natural daughter Lucretia Ann Verity the wife of Robert Verity of number nine Place de Madeline in the City of Paris in the Republic of France Doctor of Medicine her heirs and assigns for ever subject nevertheless to the payment of my just debts and subject also to the payment of the annuity and legacies hereinafter bequeathed in manner hereinafter mentioned
I give and bequeath unto Harriet Wilkinson Widow the daughter of the late Reverend John Thoroton one annuity or clear yearly sum of thirty pounds free from legacy duty and all other charges whatsoever to be paid to her by half yearly payments for and during the term of her natural life for her sole and separate use and not subject to the debts power or control of any husband she may hereafter marry and I hereby charge all my said real estates with the payment of the said annuity but in the event of the said Harriet Wilkinson anticipating or charging the said annuity then I direct that the same or any part thereof shall not be raised or paid out of or charged or chargeable on my said real estates but such annuity shall be and enure for the benefit of the person or persons who shall be entitled to my said real estates and the same shall be enjoyed wholly freed and discharged therefrom
I give and bequeath to William Littler of Stathern in the County of Leicester Farmer the sum of fifty pounds free of legacy duty and all other charges whatsoever
I give and bequeath to Eliza Walton of Newark in the County of Lincoln Spinster and niece to the said William Littler the sum of six hundred pounds free from legacy duty and all other charges whatsoever
And I direct that such legacies shall be paid out of my personal estate but in the event of my personal estate being insufficient for that purpose then I hereby charge all my said real estates in aid of my said personal estate with the payment thereof
I give all my wines [?] to my brother the Reverend Edward Manners of Goadby Marwood aforesaid
And as to all the rest and residue of my real and personal estates I give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof to my said daughter Lucretia her heirs executors administrators and assigns
And I hereby appoint the said Robert Verity sole Executor of this my will
In witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament contained in two sheets of paper to the first sheet and second sheet set my hand this fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine
Roger Manners
Signed published and declared by the testator Roger Manners as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other present at the same time have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
Bentley McLeod 3 Paper Buildings Temple London Solicitor
William Parker Clerk to Messrs Williams & McLeod 3 Paper Buildings Temple
Proved at London 19th Novr 1849 before the Worshipful Alfred Waddilove Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Robert Verity Doctor of Medicine the sole executor to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer

Roger Manners was the fourth son of Capt. Edward manners and Ann Stafford. Despite owning substantial estates of his own in the north of England, he chose to spend most of his time in Goadby where he grew up. At the time of his death he was living at Goadby Marwood House (today known as The Manor), a property owned by his brother.
Robert Mayfield of Goadby Marwood 1667 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1667
In the name of God Amen I Robert Mafield of Goadbye Marwood in the County of Leic being weake in body, but of good & perfect memory doe make my last Will & testament in manner & forme following
First I bequeath my soule to almighty God hoping to bee saved by the merits of Christ my Savior & my Body to the earth to be buryed in the Church yard of Goadby aforesaid
Item I give to my Brother Edward Solvin and his wife of Bourn= Broughton in the County of Lincoln twenty pounds
Item I give to my Brother Mafields children of Goadby Marwood to be imployed for their use twelve pounds
Item I give to my Cosin James Mafield of Cambridge five pounds
Item to my Cosen Sarah Mafield of Melton fifty Shillings Item I give to my Cosen Mary Mafield of Melton fifty Shillings
Item I give to my Sister in Law Sarah Mafield of Melton fifty Shillings
Item I give all the rest of my goods and chattells whatsoever (my debts & Legacies being payd) to my brother Edward Solvin of Bourn=Broughton & my Brother Mafield Cloxton Mafield of Goadbye whom I make my Executors of this my last will & testament revoking all former wills & tastaments whatsoever
In witnes whereunto I have sett to my hand & seale the two & twentyeth day of August 1667
Robert Mafield his marke
Signed, sealed, & published in the presence of us
John Richardson
Geo: Stokes
John Kitchin
Probate Leicester 3 October 1667 PR/I/66/118
The right-hand side of this inventory is missing until about half way down
A true & perfect Inventory of [“the goods” missing] and Chattells of Robert Maf[missing] of Goadbye Marwood deceased [“taken” or similar missing] September 16th 1667 by us whose names are underwritten​
Imprimis his purse and apparrell
It in the Hall, a Table, 9 Stooles, 9 chaires [missing] & a gallowtree, a fire iron, a paire of tongues, a paire of bellows, a fire shovel, a frying pan, [missing] shelves, and other implements
It in the buttry, 4 pewter dishes, one bason, a [missing] pint, a pewter candlestick, 3 little sawsers, saltsellers, three brasse pans, 2 barrels, 3 pippins, a cheese board, a cheesfat, & other implements
It in the same parlour 2 coffers, one trunck, 25 yard of new hempen cloth, one paire of flaxen sheets, 3 paire of Hempen sheets, 4 pillow beares, one long table cloth, 2 napkins, 2 towells
It in the same parlour, 2 shelves, 1 …, 1 stool, a ladder, 2 sieves, one pair of scales, 2 sacks, 2 bags, 1 iron candlestick, 1 wire candlestick, 1 pewter chamberpot, 1 basket, 2 scuttles, 1 flasket, 1 dozen of trenchers
It in the chamber over the Hall, 3 strikes of malt, 1 strike of wheat & rye
It in the chamber over the parlour 25 tod of wool, 1 halfe headed bedstead, a cutting knife & a hay hooke
It in the nether House 18 long boards, 12 short ones, a churn, a salting Tub, a pail, 3 forks, 1 rake, 2 hundred of coales, & some old wood
It in the yeard, one oat Hovel, 2 beasts cribs, one pig, a horse & a mare, one cow
It 35 fallow sheep in Saxby & Wickham field
It in Mr Sherwins ground 60 sheep, 10 cowes & a calfe, 3 Hay stacks
It debts the greatest part being desperate
Suma totalis
Richard Noble
John Kitchin
Robert Nicholls of Goadby Marwood 1860 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives DE 462/3 page 738
I Robert Nicholls of Goadby Marwood in the County of Leicester Cottager Do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following
I give and devise to my Wife Ann Nicholls all my personal estate for her use & benefit during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease I give & devise the same and every part thereof to my daughter Mary Morley Wife of John Morley Carpenter of Goadby Marwood aforesaid for her own use and benefit absolutely
And I appoint my wife the said Ann Nicholls sole executrix of this my Will
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Twenty sixth day of February One thousand eight hundred and sixty
Robert Nichols
Signed & acknowledged by the said Robert Nicholls the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
Stevenson G Bellairs Rector of Goadby Marwood
Edward Ecob servant Goadby Marwood
Proved 14th December 1860 by the Oath of Ann Nichols Widow the Relict of the deceased the sole Executrix
Sworn under £100 and that the Testator died on the 4th day of March 1860
William Nurse of Goadby Marwood 1910 Administration
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives DE 1169/2/4 page 54
William Nurse granite sett maker of Goadby Marwood died there 6 April 1910 intestate, administration to Hannah Nurse of 113 Kensington Street, Leicester his widow 30 April 1910. Gross value of Estate and net value of Personal Estate £287.14.5. Sureties William Gresswell farm labourer of Goadby Marwood and William Reid joiner of Anthony Street, Rothley.