The 1910 Valuation Office Survey
The Valuation Office Survey, or ‘Lloyd George Domesday Survey’ as it became known, was carried out between 1910 and 1915. The survey provided a unique snapshot of land and property in the Edwardian era, assessing its worth, how it was used and by whom and in so doing painting a picture of Edwardian society itself.
The survey took place as a result of the 1909-1910 Finance Act which provided for the levy and collection of a duty on land in the United Kingdom based on any increased value of the land as a result of public money spent on communal infrastructure - a so-called ‘increment value duty’.
The Valuation Office was set up by the Inland Revenue in 1910 for England and Wales (and in 1911 for Scotland) to carry out the work of the survey. Over one hundred valuation districts were established in England and Wales, each in the charge of a district valuer, and each comprising a number of income tax divisions. It was by these valuation districts and income tax divisions that the work of the survey was organised and carried out.
Using Ordnance Survey maps of the time, two sets of plans were created. One set, those that were used as working documents in the course of the original valuation, are held at local Record Offices. The other set of plans, known as Field Books, were created after the valuation was completed and are held at The National Archives.
The information recorded includes:
the names of owner and occupier
the owner’s interest (freehold, leasehold, etc.)
details of tenancy (term and rent)
the area covered by the property
figures entered for the purpose of valuation (i.e. market value)
They sometimes also include:
the date of erection of buildings
number of rooms
state of repair
liability for rates, insurance and repairs
date(s) of previous sale(s)
a sketch-plan of the property
The survey of Goadby Marwood was carried out using the Ordnance Survey map from 1904.
1910 Survey Transcription for Goadby Marwood